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Krasnodar Region

Kuban State University is located within the region of rapidly developing part of Russia – the Krasnodar territory. The region is situated in the South of the country and covers an area of about 76 thousand square km. In terms of population, it is the third among the regions (subjects) of the Russian Federation: it is a home for over five million people, including 120 nationalities.

The Kuban River flows through Krasnodar territory. The River divides the region into two parts – the Northern flat terrain and the Southern mountain part; it is washed by the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. The unique natural and climatic conditions of the region allowed Russia to hold XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic winter games of 2014 in Sochi.

The foundations of economic potential of Krasnodar territory is made up by agro-industrial, fuel and energy, transport, resort-recreational complexes, machinery, forestry, woodworking, production of building materials.

Kuban State University occupies a special place in the scientific-educational cluster of the region – the largest academic complex, carrying out the preparation of specialists in practically all subject area departments of knowledge.