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Astrophysical optical observatory of KubSU is a unique higher school observatory in the South Russia, opened in 1957 as an observation point for artificial Earth satellites. In 2010 it is assigned С40 international index by International Astronomic Center of Minor Planets (MPC, Harvard).

Modern unique equipment of the observatory allows to not only hold classes with the students of Physics and Engineering faculty but also carry out research and discover new planets. Such opportunity is unique in the South Federal district among schools of higher learning.

The main tool of the observatory is an automated 508-mm reflector, which permits observing both circumterrestial and far space. During a number of years the observatory has been taking part in following Spectr-R satellite, participates in navigation of Radioastron leading astronomical project, aimed at the search of black holes, research of galaxy and quasar nuclei.

In 2013-2015 the optical observatory took part in international and Russian projects, connected with the observation of the objects, dangerously approaching Earth. It is currently 86th in the ranking of several thousand of observatories tracing asteroids and comets all over the world.

With the help of solar telescope the observatory traces active formations on the solar surface.