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Students` Life

  • KubSU is the only university in the Krasnodar Territory that joined the ranks of 37 Russian universities thath became the prizewinners in the contest among the educational establishments of higher education   for the title “Higher Education Institution for Healthy Lifestyle” that has been carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • Kuban State University for the first time joined the finalists of the All-Russian contest for the best student dormitory within the frameworks of the All-Russian Student Forum;
  • KubSU organized and carried out the 5th Annual Open Festival of Youth Creative Initiatives “Etazhi” (more than 7 000 participants);
  • For the first time in KubSU a Student Festival of Creative Laboratories for Acting Techniques, Performance and Visual Arts “Ot’Click” has been organized and carried out;
  • A new uniquely designed project, a Festival of Creative Laboratories “Ostrov Svobody” started. Within its frameworks leading workers in culture and art of the Krasnodar Territory taught master classes for KubSU students;
  • KubSU volunteers (more than 4 000) took part in 84 socially important events of federal, regional and municipal importance: organization and fulfillment of the Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix, celebration of the 700th  anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh’s birth (Russian Orthodox Venerable St), National Student Football League Championships, agro-industrial exhibition “Kuban Fair - 2014”, etc.
  • KubSU students (branch in Slavyansk-on-Kuban) received an official message on thanks from the Chairman of Krasnodar Region Legislative Assembly Beketov B.A. for organizing a volunteer campaign “Give Joy to People” and active participation in it;
  • The KubSU students took part in the 1st All-Russian Youth Educational Forum “Tavrida-2014” (the Crimea); the director of the KubSU volunteer center, a member of the Council of Associations of Volunteer Centers  in Russia Ekaterina Ishkova delivered a speech about the experience in social project planning;
  • On the basis of KubSU together with the Council of the Administration of Krasnodar Territory for promoting of the development of civil society and Human Rights a round table on “Education of Young People as an Accessible Environment in Russia Today” has been held;
  • KubSU has become an active participant in the patriotic movement "Memory Path" in which students participated in the All-Russia and regional patriotic events, travelled to the Hero-cities and cities of military glory, attended expositions dedicated to the heroic events of the Great Patriotic War;
  • a month-long military-patriotic work has been organized and held. There were more than 30 outstanding events;
  • on the premises of the KubSU students planted the trees "Walk of Fame" in honor of the heroism of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War;
  • Archaeological student group "Heritage" for the third time became the winner of the Annual regional competition of Kuban student labour groups; for the fourth time KubSU became the winner of the regional competition of student labour groups in two categories: "Best Student's Group Commander" and "Best Student Group Commissioner" and also won the title "Best Commissioner of a Pedagogical Group";
  • KubSU student teams in the intellectual game “What? Where? When?” won bronze medals of the competition: the team “Megapolis” (branch in Slavyansk-on-Kuban) - on the regional stage, the team MKDTS KubSU - in the championship of Krasnodar in Erudit-quartet;
  • organized the participation of the University students in the traditional All-Russian contest “Student Leader”, which serves a platform for the development of leadership skills of student activists of the KubSU student Union;
  • the championship for parliamentary debates "Kubik - 2014" (student’s slangy word for KubSU) has been organized and held, within the frameworks of which discussion platforms on topical and socially significant issues for students have been organized;
  • KubSU student activists in the travelling seminars of the “School for the Student Government” passed the training programme, aimed at the integration of students in the University management;
  • young scientists, students, graduate students, University professors, politicians and public figures took part in the International Conference “III Stolypin’s Readings. Integration Potential of Modern Russia in the Conditions of Political Challenges of the Information Age”, which traditionally takes place on the premises of KubSU;
  • The activities carried out within the framework of the program for development of activities of student associations, was attended by about 10,000 students of Kuban State University;
  • in May and November 2014 a training for student-union activists “ShPA 2014” has been organized and conducted: students learnt the basics of legislative regulations of educational activities and scholarship provision in the Russian Federation;
  • KubSU students union activists took part in the III-d session of the All-Russian Education School of the Student’s Union;
  • KubSU creative student teams became prizewinners  in 6 nominations of the regional festival " Kuban Russian Student Spring ";
  • KubSU students (affiliated branch in Slavyansk-on-Kuban) became winners in two categories of the regional festival of contemporary youth creativity "Fresh Wind 2014" and bronze medalists of the regional festival of heroic and patriotic songs "Sing my Motherland";
  • team of KVN (the club of merry and smart students) of Kuban State University won the silver medal of the Interregional KVN League "the Black Sea" and a Cup "KVN at the Sea", as well as a bronze winner of the Central league of KVN "Start" (Voronezh);