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Kuban State University international partnership history began in the 70s of the XX century. Students from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Mongolia, Vietnam, as well as the UK, the USA and France came to the University to study both under 5-year professional training programmes, and within short-term programmes of teaching Russian language and culture.

Vice-rector for International Relations Yuri Shakhmetov (1977-1990) and the International Affairs Department Director Anatoly Vasilyevich Pinkachenko (1990-2013) made an invaluable contribution to the formation and development of Kuban State University international activities.

With the direct participation of Yu. S. Shakhmetov, KubSU signed the first direct agreements on cooperation in the field of Russian language and literature with the Great Lakes Colleges Association (USA, 1988) and the University of Bristol (UK, 1992), the latter of which is successfully operating to this day. In 1992, Professor L. P. Bashmakova founded the Center and Department " History of culture: Russia and North America".

Russian language and culture promotion abroad is still one of the most important activities of the University and is implemented, for example, in the framework of cooperation with the HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences. At HTW Berlin since 2000, annual testing in Russian has been conducted under the Russian state system for testing citizens of foreign countries at the following levels: TEL (ТЭУ), TBL (ТБУ), TORFL I, TORFL II, TORFL III and TORFL IV.

Among the foreign graduates of KubSU Philology Department: Dr. Brigitte Dressler – Vice-president of HTW Berlin Foreign Languages Centre, a member of the bilingual education institutions Board of Lichtenberg district in Berlin, a graduate of the Philology Faculty, who defended her thesis on terminology of the higher school of Germany and Russia at KubSU (2011); Dr. Annette Baumgart - Professor of Slavic studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin, etc.

The activities of the Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens are of great importance for Russian language and culture promotion. More than fifty percent of its graduates continue their studies at Kuban State University on bachelor's and master's programs. The Department accepts up to 200 students annually. Since 2003, more than 1500 students from 85 countries have been trained in Russian and specialized subjects.

Kuban State University has more than 40 years of experience in implementing international academic exchange programs. Every year, at least 200 students, research and teaching staff of the University go abroad, and the University in turn accepts at least 100 foreign students and specialists. The geography of academic mobility is vast and extends to the countries of the European Union, Asia and North America. Scientists and professors from KubSU foreign partner organizations participate actively in the educational activities of the University: in the last five years alone, they have delivered lectures and conducted seminars of more than 7 thousand academic hours.

Among the Honorary Professors of the University: Ioannis Papanikolaou – Director General of the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (Greece); Hans-Friedrich von Pletz - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany to the Russian Federation 2002-2005. (Germany); Richard Williams - Professor at the University of Tennessee (USA); Elizabeth Hayford - President of the Associated Colleges of the Midwest 1985-2005. (USA); Giuseppe Galassi - Professor of business economics at Economics and Management Department, University of Parma (Italy); Jurgen Kessler - Professor at the HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences (Germany); Detlef Richter – Professor at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden (Germany); Gerald Noel Pourcelli - Professor at the Montpellier 2 University (France); Ioannis Kazazis – Professor of Ancient Greek Philology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, President of the Centre of Greek language of the Ministry of Education (Greece).

In 2004 the University has opened an undergraduate double degree program in Management for students of the Economics Department of the KubSU and the HTW Berlin. Since 2006, students of KubSU, as well as students of other universities in Krasnodar, have the opportunity to obtain additional qualifications under the program "European business school", which is implemented jointly with the Walter Eucken School, Karlsruhe (Germany). In 2014, the Kuban State University and the Czech University of Natural Sciences opened a joint master's degree in Economics & Management with training in English. In 2016 the University opened a joint Master’s program in Economics with Porto Polytechnic (P.PORTO).

Over the entire history of grant activity in the Russian Federation, the University, its employees and students have received more than one and a half million dollars of grant support. KubSU actively participates in Erasmus + Program and Seventh Framework Program (FP7).