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Student placement and Contacts

The structural priority of which is the university’s unit is to assist young professionals in finding employment, their professional adaptation to the conditions of constant integration of a changing labor market, as well as the interests of young professionals who are looking for work, and organizations that need new personal. Ways to achieve your goals:

  • development and implementation of long-term employment and employment promotion programs;
  • improving the quality of specialist training in a market economy and adapting to the labor market;
  • establishing partnerships with employers, expanding targeted training of specialists;
  • organization and holding of job fairs, career days, company presentations;
  • vocational training of students;
  • preparing and conducting business games and trainings for students and graduates that increase the level of personal, business activity and knowledge of job search technology;
  • creation and maintenance of a data base of vacancies and a data base of resumes of students and graduates.

The work of OSTZ is aimed at uniting the efforts of all the interaction between the university departments, local authorities, enterprises AND effective organizations to achieve the promotion of employment of students and graduates.


Department for the Promotion of Employment and Employment of Students of KubSU:
Phone: 8 (861) 235-36-60
Address: 350040 st. Stavropolskaya, 149, room 104a
Group in VK:
Head of the Department for the Promotion of Employment and Employment of Students of KubSU - Zhosan Maria Alexandrovna
pening hours: Monday - Friday from 9.00 to 17.00