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Kuban State University actively researches the sphere of nanotechnology directed at nanocomposite polymer materials, thin-film microelectrode sensor appliances, organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), membrane material, optoelectronic materials, etc.

Unique materials of non-linear optics are developed by the scientists of Kuban State University for microchip lasers, radiation-stable and ferromagnetic polymer materials for space technology, the materials for hydrogen fuel elements, etc.

There is a Diagnostics of nanomaterial structure and properties collective center successfully functioning at Kuban State University specializing in the study of nano and micro structure material using the methods of raster and sound microscopy, as well as molecular structure, composition and spectral characteristics of substances and materials based on them.

Unique and modern equipment, which is very expensive for Krasnodar territory allows to target at production of thin-layer systems and micro appliances on their base. In the framework of research cooperation, the center regularly performs investigations for educational and scientific organizations and enterprises of Krasnodar territory and leading Russian research centers.

75 units of modern research and auxiliary equipment are installed at the center.

Studies performed with the center’s equipment are estimated at more than 20,000 000 per year.