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KubSU Alumni Association

The idea to create the KubSU Alumni Association was initiated by a group of graduates and lecturers of the KubSU Faculty of Management in the early 2003.

At the first stage it has been decided to organize the Graduates Association as a structural subdivision of the University under the auspices of the Faculty of Management. It is planned that at the second stage of its development the Association will be functioning under the auspices of Kuban State University, and finally it will be reorganized into an independent non-profit organization.

In the course of the preparatory work, a survey has been carried out to determine the urgency of this organization; draft Statute of the Association has been developed and approved by the President of the University; a Questionnaire for graduates has been worked out; the construction of the graduates data base has been started. The plans and undertakings of the initiative group of the Association were discussed and found support at the Day of Science held by the Faculty of Management on April 24, 2003.

On May 17, 2003 the idea of the Association was presented at the “Vypusknik” (Graduate) Discussion Club, the participants of which discussed the importance of creating the Association, issues and problems, urgent for graduates.

As a result, it has been finally resolved to create the Association for Supporting Graduates of Kuban State University, main directions of the new organization activities have been determined, as well as perspectives and nearest plans of the Association.

The meeting was attended by 29 participants, among them 21 graduates of 1998-2003 in all the specialities of the Faculty of Management, and also students, lecturers, Heads of the Departments, the Dean of the Faculty.

In the course of the discussion the basic goal of the Association was stated, i.e. supporting professional growth of KubSU graduates, encouraging continuous education, creating conditions for the graduates successful self-realization in the profession chosen. The prospective directions of the Association activities were determined:

1. Social support to professional formation of graduates:

  • meetings of the “Vypusknik” Discussion Club
  • “Career Days”
  • meetings of graduates with students (informing on the present day situation on the labour market, profession requirements, experience exchange)
  • providing students and graduates with additional educational services (seminars, master classes, advanced training, second higher education)

2. Informational support to professional formation of graduates:
organization of a Center for communication with graduates
construction of a data base on professional careers of the graduates and providing students and graduates of Kuban State University the access to the data base
news posting about events organized by the Association and the Faculty

3. Psychological support to professional formation of graduates:
organization of psychological service for the University graduates
psychological trainings, meetings
individual consultations

4. Scientific-research activity:

  • graduates section at the Day of Science of the Faculty
  • scientific research on the problems dealing with professional formation of graduates, etc.

Meetings of the Vypusknik Discussion Club, which are to be held every third Saturday, will be one of the activities of the Association.

For detailed information please feel free to contact

Address: 149 Stavropolskaya str., Kuban State University, Faculty of Management.

Tel.: (861) 2199-563 (Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Management)

Members of the Organization Group:
Elena Chichuk: office tel. (861) 2199-562, home tel. (861) 224-25-92, mobile 8-918-434-87-38
Konstantin Kostenko: office tel. (861) 2199-562, home tel. (861) 273-49-71
Valeriya Panina: mobile 270-62-34

Please feel free to send your ideas and proposals to the address