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The main idea of Student Scientific Society is organization and promotion of student research. The main objectives of its work are development and support of scientific and research work of undergraduate and postgraduate students, implementation of their scientific interests, improving the quality of KubSU graduates.

Every year Student Scientific Society organizes the celebration of the Russian Science Day. SSC holds a competition of innovative projects “Fair of Ideas” and Student Week of Science; it assists students with enhancing their publication activity and their participation in different scientific conferences.

Student Scientific Society supports implementation of Oxford Russian Fund Scholarship Program, coordinates (together with “Alpha Bank”) "Alfa Chance" South Russia – a unique scholarship program.

The structure of the Student Scientific Society includes relevant associations of all faculties and university affiliates.

Student Scientific Society unites more than 3 thousand students of Kuban State University.

Since 2008, the scholarship of Oxford Russian Fund was awarded to more than 1,000 of the best KubSU students.