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Pupils from Mongolia have successfully completed their studies at Kuban State University

The Russian Language course programs are actively developed at Kuban State University. It has a successful long-term experience in promoting Russian and Russian Culture abroad. In January of this year, a new project on learning Russian for high school students of Ulan Bator has started. The project was initiated by the International Affairs Department of Kuban State University and supported by the General Director of “Tumed Education”, the head of the project “Russian Educational Exhibition” from the “Tumed Group” of companies and the Executive Director of the Association of Graduates of Russian/Soviet Universities Tsogtbayar Shurenchimeg.

Experienced teachers and master students of the Department of Russian as a foreign language had been teaching Russian to Mongolian schoolchildren for two months in a distance format. Future students improved their knowledge within the framework of the author's courses offered: "Practical grammar of the Russian language", "Conversational practice", "Culture of Russia: linguistic and cultural aspect", "Work with literary text and text in the specialization". Ы learning results, testing and interviewing took place.

The head of the Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Prof. Valery Petrovich Abramov noted: "It is nice to realize that interest to learn the Russian language in Mongolia remains unchangeable. An important result of the project is the interest of Mongolian students to obtain higher education in Russian universities, including Kuban State University."

Tsogtbayar Shurenchimeg, in her letter of thanks to the Rector of Kuban State University Mikhail Borisovich Astapov, expressed her hope for further fruitful cooperation in promoting Russian education and popularizing the Russian Language and Culture in Mongolia.