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KubSU is an active participant of the Cross-Year of the History of Russia and Greece

On March 26, 2021, as a part of the events dedicated to the Cross-Year of the History of Russia-Greece, a round table "The role of Russia in the formation of Greek statehood" was held at Kuban State University under the auspices of the Consulate General of the Republic of Cyprus in Krasnodar and with the support of the Consulate General of the Hellenic Republic in Novorossiysk.

Before the start of the round table, the Acting Consul General of the Hellenic Republic in Novorossiysk, Mr. Ktenidis Konstantinos, met with the Vice - Rector for Academic Affairs, Quality of Education-the first Vice-Rector of Kuban State University, Temyr Aitechevich Khagurov.

The meeting, which was also attended by the teachers Kakoliri Ioanna and Dimoulas Nikolaos, sent by the Ministry of Education and Religion of the Hellenic Republic, emphasized the long-term cooperation and support provided by the Consulate General of Greece to the Department of Modern Greek Philology of Kuban State University. Galina Govorova, a Director of the KubSU International Affairs Department, suggested that the colleagues consider the possibility of visiting the Consulate General by students of the Faculty of History, Sociology and International Relations of the University. The parties agreed to intensify contacts and expand cooperation.

The round table dedicated to the 200-th anniversary of the Greek national liberation revolution brought together representatives of several institutions including:

  • the representatives of Kuban State University: Prof. Temyr Aitechevich Khagurov – the First Vice-Rector, Dr. Alexander Vladimirovich Vashchenko – Dean of the Faculty of History, Sociology and International Relation, Dr. Sergey Sergeevich Bychkov – Deputy Dean for Digital Development and International Relations of the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology, Dr. Evgenia Mikhailovna Rotai – Deputy Director of International Affairs Department;
  • the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Hellenic Republic to the Russian Federation  Mrs. Nasika Ekaterini;
  • the Acting Consul General of the Hellenic Republic in Novorossiysk, Mr. Ktenidis Konstantinos;
  • the Consul General of the Republic of Cyprus in In Krasnodar Mr. Mavrokephalos Ilias,
  • Vice-Rector for Academic and Scientific Work of the Moscow City University of Management of Moscow Government named after Yu. M. Luzhkov prof. Alexey A. Aleksandrov;
  • Chairman of the "Greek National-Cultural Autonomy" Romiosini "in Krasnodar, Deputy Chairman of the Public Organization" Regional National-Cultural Autonomy of the Greeks" Mr. Konstantin Prokopyevich Kesov.

Teachers and students from St. Petersburg State University (Russia), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), RUDN University (Russia), the University of Belgrade (Serbia), the Institute of Philology of the V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Russia) and Kuban State University made reports on the 200-th anniversary of the Greek National Liberation Revolution and the role of Russia in the national liberation struggle of the Greeks for Independence. The participants of the round table expressed their hope to hold meetings in a similar format in the future.