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An event within the framework of the Year of the History of Russia and Greece was held In KubSU

As part of the action plan for the Year of History of Russia and Greece in 2021, on February 26, 2021, the Department of Modern Greek Philology held a viewing and discussion of a reconstruction picture at the junction of documentary and feature films at Kuban State University. It was dedicated to the first Governor of independent Greece Ioannis Kapodistrias and based on archival materials, letters and memoirs of I. Kapodistrias ' contemporaries. The event was attended by Ioanna Kakoliri and Nikolaos Dimoulas, employees of the Consulate General of the Hellenic Republic in Novorossiysk, teachers of the Kuban State University Department of Modern Greek Philology, students of the faculties of Romanсе and Germanic Philology, and History, Sociology and International Relations.

"The Main Greek of the Russian Empire" is a biographical film about the outstanding politician and diplomat of the XIX century I. Kapodistrias directed by S. L. Muzychenko. Under the reign of Alexander I, he became the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, and in 1827 was elected as the first Governor of independent Greece.  

During the discussion of the film, the key issues were highlighted in details: the historical path of a Russian Governor from a family of Greek aristocrats - Graph I. Kapodistrias; the main dream of I. Kapodistrias’ life is the liberation of Greece, which was under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire for almost 400 years; I. Kapodistrias' activities as a Russian diplomat and Minister of Foreign Affairs; Graph I. Kapodistrias ' state awards (the Order of St. Andrew (1830), the Order of St. Vladimir 1st degree (1820), the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky (1817), etc.); the role of I. Kapodistrias in the European political space and in the difficult formation of an independent Greece.

It should be noted that within the framework of the Cross-Year of the History of Russia and Greece in 2021, Kuban State University is planning to hold a number of events: a round table on the topic: "The role of Russia in the formation of Greek statehood" (March, 2021); the exhibition " Russian Greeks in the history of Greece (April, 2021); lectures on the history of Greece/ Cyprus for students of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology, and the Faculty of History, Sociology and International Relations. (April / May 2021).