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Kuban State University is an active participant of Russia-Greece Cross Year of Language and Literature

As a part of the Russia-Greece Year of Language and Literature, the International Student Reading Contest was held remotely on November 26, 2020. Greek students studying Russian read poems by Russian poets, and Russian students studying Greek read works by Greek poets. 

Students of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Lomonosov Moscow state University, Kuban State University, MPEI, MGIMO of Russia participated in the competition. 

The participants were welcomed by the rector of MGIMO, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Anatoly Torkunov, Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Hellenic Republic to the Russian Federation Ekaterini Nassika, Consul General of the Russian Federation in Thessaloniki Vladimir D. Maistrenko, rector of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, scientific Director of the program "JASON" Nikolaos G. Papaioannou, Professor Emeritus of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, President of the Greek Language Centre, scientific coordinator of the "JASON" Program, Honorary Professor of Kuban state University Ioannis Kazazis.

Mikhail Astapov, Rector of Kuban State University, also took part in the opening ceremony of the competition. His colleagues congratulated the Rector on being awarded the National Prize “Rector of the year – 2020”, which was established by the Russian Professorial Body.

Anastasia Shapkova (335 points), a fourth-year student of the Faculty of History, Sociology, and International Relations of Kuban State University, according to the results of the Reciting Contest was awarded the first place, Denis Nesterov (326 points), a student of MGIMO, – the second place, and Dimitra Panagopoulou (318 points), a student of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, – the third place.

The encouraging category “Creative Reciting and Artistic Discovery” was given to the following students: Vladislav Petin, a fourth-year student of the Faculty of History, Sociology, and International Relations of Kuban State University, Zalina Gish, a first-year graduate student of the Faculty for Romance-Germanic Philology of Kuban State University, Ekaterina Chanova (Lomonosov Moscow State University), and Hector Afanasiou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).

Students of the School of the Greek Language of the Moscow Society of Greeks have prepared social events for the participants of the Contest.

The ambience of the event was warm and friendly. The Contest became a real celebration of literature and the unity of two nations – Russian and Greek. It is very significant that the poems were recited by the representatives of the young generation, the students, who have shown a selfless love for the Greek and Russian languages, as well as the great interest in the poems of both countries.

It’s worth mentioning, that Kuban State University is an active participant of Russia-Greece year of Language and Literature. Several significant events took place in 2020.

During February and March four students of KubSU, as representatives of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic philology and the Faculty of History, Sociology, and International Relations, completed an internship under the program “Research Studies and Education” – the program “JASON” in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

During August and September the Aristotle University Summer School “Greek Language and Culture” was successfully held online, seven KubSU students took part in it.

In October a textbook and a workbook for levels A1 and A2 were published for the Greek speakers on the Russian language by the authors I. Khaman, O. Kuznetsova, Yu. Okovitaya and Ioanna Kakoliri.

Kuban State University also took part in the 17th International Book Fair (November 19-29, Thessaloniki, Greece).

Apart from that, the preparation of a study guide on interpretation of the Russian / Greek / Cypriot poetry of the 19th-21st centuries has been completed. Its publication is planned for the end of 2020.

2021 was announced as the Russia-Greece Cross History Year. Kuban State University plans to host several events including a round table “Russia’s role in the formation of the Greek statehood in the 19th century”, and an exhibition “Russian Greeks in the history of Greece”.