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Kuban State Universtity participated in the international online conference

On April 28, 2020, The International Scientific and Theoretical Online Conference "Competency-based approach to the organization of primary education: theory and practice" was held by the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhineyaz (Uzbekistan). The research and teaching staff and students of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communication Studies of Kuban State University took an active part in the event, making their reports, namely:

  • Dr. Yuliya D. Gakame and Dr. Olga I. Baranova, Associate Professors of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education;
  • O.A. Leonova and Yu.D. Proskuryakova – graduate students (Major 04.04.01 “Pedagogical Education”);
  • A.A. Statischeva, A. Yu. Prokopets and A. A. Lesnykh – 3-4-year students (Major 44.03.01 "Pedagogical Education").

The themes of the KubSU delegates’ reports covered a wide range of issues related to the problems of Primary Education:

  • the main trends in the formation of the professional competence of a future teacher in the modern world were examined;
  • the specifics of teaching talented younger students were highlighted;
  • the peculiarities of the application of pedagogical technologies to develop creative thinking of students at the primary school classes and communicative universal educational activities were indicated;
  • the pedagogical conditions to organize health-saving education at primary school classes through kinesiology were presented.