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Rector's address to foreign students' parents

Dear parents of KubSU foreign students,

I would like to assure you that unprecedented actions are being taken in the Russian Federation, Krasnodar Territory and Kuban State University to prevent the import and spread of the new COVID-19 coronavirus.

Since March 18, 2020, KubSU has been providing training using e-learning and distance learning technologies.

Dear parents of KubSU foreign students,

I would like to assure you that unprecedented actions are being taken in the Russian Federation, Krasnodar Territory and Kuban State University to prevent the import and spread of the new COVID-19 coronavirus.

Since March 18, 2020, KubSU has been providing training using e-learning and distance learning technologies.

Regular disinfection is carried out in the administrative buildings and dormitories of the University. The official website of the University contains information about infection prevention measures, which is also sent to all students electronically. Each student can get qualified medical care.

It is important to know that from March 18, the entry of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation is temporarily restricted. In this regard, foreign students are urged to postpone their departure to the homeland, as well as to limit any travelling outside the Krasnodar Territory and around the city.
In case of emergency, your children will be able to come back home, but their return to Russia will not be possible in the nearest future due to the border closure.  Besides, all Russian and foreign citizens arriving from abroad are obliged to go through quarantine and provide themselves with self-isolation conditions for a period of at least 2 weeks for the quarantine period. At this time, accommodation in the dormitory, hostels and hotels of the city is impossible.

The administration of KubSU continues to work and provides all kinds of assistance and support to foreign students. If necessary, you can contact the staff of International Affairs Department at the email address; or by phone: + 7 861 2199534, +7 861 2199528, + 7 861 2199619.

Best regards,

Rector Dr. Mikhail Astapov