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Why to Study at Kuban State University

Why to Study at Kuban State University

Kuban State University (KubSU), the scientific and educational center of Kuban and South of Russia, is situated in Krasnodar. Kuban State University was founded in 1920 and is today one of the leading universities in the country. It is characterized by the high level of fundamental researches and constant improvement of educational process, due to the intensive science development.

The University has a wide range of international scientific and educational contacts with higher education institutions of the USA, Germany, England, France, Japan, China, Korea, Greece, Turkey, etc. At present it closely cooperates with over 65 foreign universities.

KubSU is the basic Russian University in the recently established Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) on the problems of science and technology. It is the only institution of higher education in the Russian Federation which has been elected a member of Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology - IRIS (USA). The University possesses unique research equipment such as a complex of heavy vibroseismic installations TV-100; the products of modern technological laboratories, like laser materials are purchased by the USA, Germany, Japan and other countries.

Its rating as a research and higher education institution is of high repute. The University has won all the existing types of international grants. Russian and foreign students studying in KubSU are involved in carrying out the researches within the framework of international grants. KubSU has numerous scientific and educational contacts with the Russian Academy of Science. It gives the University an opportunity to invite the most prominent Russian and foreign scientists and researchers to lecture and work on the joint scientific and research projects.

The University activities in the field of foreign students training are highly appreciated by the universities and colleges of the USA and Great Britain, the students of which (from 10 to 20 persons in a group) come to study at Kuban State University. Consequently, KubSU has been cooperating with the Associated Colleges of the Midwest and Great Lakes (USA), uniting 28 colleges and 2 universities for more than 13 years; it has been successfully carrying out the agreement on academic programs exchange with the University of Bristol (England) for 10 years. The University has created the conditions for international students' study and leisure that satisfy all the highest requirements. Due to the geographical situation of Krasnodar Territory (the center of southern Russia) Kuban State University gives foreign students a chance to study the history, culture, life and customs, traditions, habits and ways of different nations in the Northern Caucasus.

KubSU offers Russian and overseas students its comfortable holiday homes at the Black Sea coast to have a good rest and, if necessary, modern medical treatment after a hard work during the academic year.

Students who don't speak Russian at all are welcome to take the intensive preparatory courses of different duration in Russian. KubSU is the leading university of the country in the field of theory and methodology of teaching Russian. The University has two Councils awarding Ph.D. and Professorship in Linguistics, which give foreign students a certain advantage in obtaining the highest possible knowledge of Russian to be applied in any field of study.

Another benefit of Kuban State University is the possibility to get education in English. For the foreign students who do not speak Russian, in the University there are courses in computational mechanics, solid mechanics, applied mathematics, seismology, economics, history and a number of others in English provided by the English speaking instructors and lecturers or by means of simultaneous interpreting offered by the staff members and students of the Translation Department.

The educational and research programs as well as any other kind of activities are carried out regardless of any kind of discrimination: sex, race, religion, nationality, age, sexual orientation and disability.