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Faculty of Pedagogics, Psychology and Communicational science

Dean – Dr. Veronika Mikhailovna Grebennikova.

The Faculty of Pedagogics, Psychology and Communicational science is unique because inter-personal relationships in society are quite problematic. The courses are aimed at preparing specialists to solve a range of different social tasks.

5-year Programme, Entry Requirements (Unified State Exams)

44.05.01 Pedagogics and Psychology of Deviant Behaviour – Social Studies (USE), Mathematics (USE), Russian (USE)


Bachelor’s Degree Programme, Entry Requirements (Unified State Exams)

44.03.01 Pedagogical Education – Social Studies (USE), Mathematics (USE), Russian (USE)
Areas of study:

  •  Pre-school Education
  •  Elementary Education
  •  Subject-specific Education
  •  Informational Technologies in Elementary Education
  •  Methods of Foreign Language Training in Elementary School

44.03.02 Psychological and Pedagogical Education – Biology (USE), Mathematics (USE), Russian (USE)
Areas of study:

  •  Child Psychology and Pedagogics
  •  Psychology and Social Pedagogics 
  •  Psychology in Education

44.03.03 Special (defectological) Education – Biology (USE), Mathematics (USE), Russian (USE)
Areas of study:

  •  Speech Therapy
  •  Special Psychology
  •  Training of Handicapped Person 

Master’s Degree Programme:

44.04.01 Pedogogical Education – Entry requirements: Discussions or Oral Examination in Pedagogics
Areas of study:

  •  Pre-school Education
  •  Elementary Education
  •  Secondary Education
  •  Post-secondary Education
  •  Educational Pedagogigs and Psychology
  •  Psychological Consulting in Education
  •  Social Pedagogigs
  •  Theory and Methodology of Intermediate Language Course Training

Faculty of Pedagogics, Psychology and Communicational Science, KubSU, 350000, 173, Sormovskaya St., Krasnoda,r Russia.
Tel/Fax: +7(861) 232-63-67