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Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology

Dean - Prof. Natalia Borisovna Shershneva

The Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology is one of the oldest in Kuban State University. It was founded in 1938. The educational process at seven departments of the faculty is provided by 17 doctors and more than 90 candidates of Philological Sciences.

Graduates of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology are successful in a competitive environment. They have good career development. They are in demand in educational, scientific, cultural, media and administrative institutions. They work as interpreters in industry and tourism, in public organizations.

The most active partnerships of the Department of German Philology are developed with educational institutions of the sister city of Karlsruhe. Students benefit from academic mobility opportunities under a contract with the Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe. Since 2006, the educational program "European business school (Europäische Business Schule)" has been implemented jointly with Walter-Eucken-Schule Karlsruhe with the support of the Krasnodar-Karlsruhe friendship Society. During the two years of study in German language in the University and Walter-Eucken-Schule students receive the additional qualification of European Business Administration Assistant. Students of the Department of German Philology annually complete internship at the Karlsruhe city hall and accompany German delegations visiting Krasnodar.

Cooperation with Goethe-Institute is actively developing. Based on the Regional German educational center RDAZ ( international certification exams Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Fit in Deutsch, Goethe-Zertifikat A2, B1, B2 for youth and adults are held. Together with the Goethe Institute, a number of cultural projects are being implemented. In 2019, together with the Krasnodar-Karlsruhe friendship Society, a new project "Kulturforum Krasnodar-Karlsruhe" was launched ( Students of the Faculty write about the culture of Krasnodar in the German language. The first results of the project, an exhibition of posters about the culture of Krasnodar was held in KubSU and Karlsruhe. From 2016 to 2019, the Department implemented the project Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Chair: Europäische Integration durch Sprache und Kultur (

Department of Modern Greek Philology

International scientific and practical conferences on Hellenic studies are held annually. For students of KubSU, different projects are held, such as: The Days of Cyprus, photo and art exhibitions, the presentation of Cyprus universities etc. Lectures and seminars are organized on the Greek language, history, Greek cultural heritage, and the Cyprus problem (speakers: Ambassador of Cyprus to Russia, Consul of Greece in Novorossiysk, Consul of Cyprus in Krasnodar, lecturers of Aristotle University, Thessaloniki).

Every year the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs of Greece sends Greek language teachers to conduct classes for students of Kuban State University.

On the basis of the Department of Modern Greek Philology, KubSU operates a certification center. Every year, in cooperation with the Greek language Center (Thessaloniki, Greece), international exams in Greek are taken.

Cooperation programs of the Department:

  • participation of students in the "Jason" Program at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (annually);
  • participation of students in the program ΘΥΕΣΠΑ at the University Kapodistrias of Athens (annually);
  • agreement on scientific cooperation with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki;
  • participation of teachers in professional development programs in Greece and Cyprus.

Since 2017, the Department has been participating in the ERASMUS+ program, which allows implementing student exchange projects with universities in Greece and Cyprus.

Department of French Philology

Thanks to international cooperation agreements with the French University of Bordeaux and the University of Lorraine, students of the Department of French Philology have the opportunity to complete a semester of study in France. French students take courses in literary text analysis and translation at the Department of French Philology.

The Department of French Philology has a center for international language testing (DELF/DALF). Diplomas are issued by the French Ministry of national education and are perpetual. More than 256 people have already received these international certificates.

Students of the Department of French Philology regularly participate in competitions organized by the Embassy of France in Russia.

Department of English Philology

Students of the Department of English Philology actively participate in the academic mobility programs of Kuban State University. They always attend lectures by professors of partner universities organized by the International Affairs Department of KubSU. In 2020, in the framework of cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences, a lecture was held by the Prof. Marshall Botkin (USA) called "The History of the American flag" in Krasnodar gymnasium No. 69.

Bachelor’s programs

Full-time programs

  • 45.03.02 Linguistics (Translation)
  • 45.03.01 Philology (Foreign philology)
  • 45.03.03 Fundamental and applied linguistics (Communications, information and communication technologies in the field of information resource management)
  • 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two majors) (English language, German language).
  • (Term of study - 5 years)

Specialist degree program (term of study - 5 years)

  • 45.05.01 Translation and translation studies (Linguistic support of interstate relations)

Master's degree

Full-time programs

  • 45.04.01 Philology (Foreign languages) 
  • 45.04.01 Philology (Cross-cultural communication in international academic environment) 

Contact information
Address: Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology, KubSU, 350040, 149 Stavropolskaya St., Office 325, Krasnodar, Russia
Tel/Fax +7 (861) 219 95 60