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Faculty of Computer Technology and Applied Mathematics

Dean – Dr Yuri Vladimirovich Koltsov

The faculty trains the best programmers in the region, specialists in the field of computer technologies and applied mathematics. Our graduates work in city and regional administration, in defence and law enforcement agencies, higher educational institutions, in different state and commercial banks, big companies in Russia and abroad.

 Bachelor’s Degree Programme and Entry Requirements (Unified State Exams):

02.03.02Fundamental Information and Communication Technologies – Mathematics(USE), Informational communications (USE), Russian (USE), ICT (USE).
Area of study:

  • Informational Communications and Computer Sciences

01.03.02  Applied Mathematics, Informational Communications – Mathematics(USE), Informational Communications (USE), Russian (USE), ICT (USE).
Areas of study:

  • Applied Mathematics and Informational Communications (general area of study);
  • Mathematical Modelling and Computing Mathematics;
  • System Analysis, Research, Operation Analysis and Management;
  • System Programming and Computer Technologies

02.03.03Mathematical support and administration of information systems – Mathematics(USE), Informational communications (USE), Russian (USE), ICT (USE).
Areas of study:

  • Informational Systems and Databases;
  • Parallel Programming; Programming Technologies;
  • Knowledge Bases and Intellectual Information Systems

230700.62 Applied Information and Communications – Mathematics(USE), Informational Communications (USE), Russian (USE), ICT (USE).
Area of study:

  • Applied Informational Communications in Economics


Master’s Degree Programme:

01.04.02 Applied Mathematics and Informational Communications:

  • 510202 Mathematical Modelling
  • 510209 Mathematical Support and Software of Computers
  • 510210 Software of Computer Network
  • 510212 Mathematical and Information Support of Economic Activity

Entry Requirements: Mathematical Analysis; Informational Communications - oral tests


02.04.02 Fundamental Information and Communications Technology:

  • 511905 Computer Sciences

Entry Requirements: Programming Languages - oral test

Faculty of Computer Technology and Applied Mathematics, KubSU, 350040, 149 Stavropolskaya St., Office 130, Krasnodar, Russia
Tel.: (861) 219-95-77, 219-95-78