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Faculty of Chemistry and High Technologies

Dean - Dr. Tatyana Vasilyevna Kostyrina, Associate Professor.

Kuban State University was founded on September 5, 1920, and at the same time the Faculty of Natural Sciences was opened. One of its five departments was Physico-Chemical. The Faculty of Chemistry was opened in 1970 after the transformation of the Krasnodar State Pedagogical Institute into Kuban State University. The first dean of the Faculty of Chemistry was Tilba A.P. In 2007 the Faculty changed its name to the Faculty of Chemistry and High Technologies.

Scientific research and training of specialists are conducted within the framework of two scientific and educational centers: The Southern Membrane Center and the Scientific and Educational Ecological and Analytical Center.

The Faculty of Chemistry and High Technologies is a major scientific and educational center, it has the best equipment, uses advanced research methods and technologies, carries out the educational process at a high scientific and pedagogical level. The success of the faculty is the result of high qualification of the research and teaching staff.

The main international activity is carried out by the Russian-French International Associated Laboratory "Ion Exchange membranes and processes", headed by Prof. Victor V. Nikonenko.

The laboratory was founded in 2011 by a joint order of the Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR) and the National center for scientific research of France. The Laboratory was funded until the end of 2018 through RFBR grants in the framework of special Russian-French competitions. Every year in the period 2011-2018, 3-4 RFBR grants were implemented.

Another major project was a European project under the Marie Curie FP7 program called “Coupled Ion- and Volume-Transfer Phenomena in Heterogeneous Systems: Modeling, Experiment and Applications in Clean Energy, Micro-Analysis and Water Treatment (COTRAPHEN)”, 2011-2015.

The project lasted for 5 years and allowed to significantly intensify the exchange of young scientists between the participants - KubSU, the European Institute of membranes (Montpellier), the Institute of chemistry and polymers (Paris), and the Polytechnic University of Barcelona (Spain). These internships allowed to strengthen scientific ties with these research centers and find new foreign partners. Ekaterina Melnikova (Belashova) defended her PhD thesis in Montpellier in 2014 as a post-graduate student studying under the joint supervision of KubSU and the European membrane Institute. This allowed her to complete a postdoctoral internship at Laval University, Quebec, Canada in 2016. In 2017 Marina Andreeva, a joint post-graduate student of KubSU and the Institute of chemistry and polymers, defended her PhD thesis in Paris. A joint graduate student of Kuban State University and the European Institute of membranes, Michael Spent defended his PhD thesis in 2018. Currently, all three young researchers work in the University. Sergey Mikhailin, a 2011 graduate of KubSU, completed his postgraduate studies at Laval University and now works as a Professor at this Canadian university. Currently, another joint post-graduate student, Vladlen Nitschka, is studying at this University. Its thesis defense is planned for 2022. Graduate students of KubSU are trained under joint supervision not only in French-speaking countries. Elizaveta Evdochenko, a post-graduate student at KubSU, is finishing her studies in Germany, at the Rhenish-Westphalian Technical University, Aachen. Her PhD thesis defence is scheduled for the end of August 2020 in Aachen.

At present, the graduates of the Faculty of Chemistry and High Technologies are taking postgraduate programs of Dijon (France) and Niagata (Japan).

An employee of the faculty (Semyon Mareev) is a member of an international group of scientists engaged in theoretical research in the field of membrane processes. Information is available on the website

Bachelor’s Programs

Full-time programs

  • 27.03.01 Standardization and Metrology (Metrology, standardization and certification)
  • 27.03.01 Standardization and Metrology (Metrology and certification)
  • 20.03.01 Technosphere safety (Safety of technological processes and productions)
  • 04.03.01 Chemistry (Analytical chemistry)
  • 04.03.01 Chemistry (Inorganic chemistry and chemistry of coordination compounds)
  • 04.03.01 Chemistry (Organic and Bioorganic chemistry)
  • 04.03.01 Chemistry (Physical Chemistry)
  • 04.03.01 Chemistry (Chemical expertise and environmental safety)

Master's Programs

Full-time programs

  • 04.04.01 Chemistry (Analytical chemistry)
  • 04.04.01 Chemistry (Electrochemistry)
  • 04.04.01 Chemistry (Promising compounds and materials based on them)
  • 27.04.01 Standardization and Metrology (Universal quality management)
  • 20.04.01 Technosphere safety (Safety of technological processes and productions)

Part-time program

  • 27.04.01 Standardization and Metrology (Universal quality management)

Postgraduate and Doctoral studies

Full-time programs

  • 06.06.01 Biological Sciences (03.02.08 Ecology (Chemical Sciences)
  • 27.06.01 Management in technical systems (05.02.23 Standardization and product quality management)
  • 04.06.01 Chemical Sciences (02.00.01 Inorganic chemistry)
  • 04.06.01 Chemical Sciences (02.00.02 Analytical chemistry)
  • 04.06.01 Chemical Sciences (02.00.03 Organic chemistry)
  • 04.06.01 Chemical Sciences (02.00.05 Electrochemistry)

Part-time programs

  • 06.06.01 Biological Sciences (03.02.08 Ecology (Chemical Sciences)
  • 04.06.01 Chemical Sciences (02.00.01 Inorganic chemistry)
  • 04.06.01 Chemical Sciences (02.00.05 Electrochemistry)

 There are two Doctoral Dissertation Councils on Chemistry at Kuban State University.

Contact information

Address: Faculty of Chemistry and High Technologies, KubSU, 350040, 149 Stavropolskaya St., Office 288, Krasnodar, Russia

Tel.: +7-861-219-95-70
