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International students of the preparatory department of Kuban State University selebrated New Year in Russian style. The holiday was held via the Internet – online – in the already familiar format for everyone. Despite the huge distance – the students were not only in different cities, but also in different countries and on different continents – everyone was immersed in the magical atmosphere of the holiday.
On November 27, 2020, the Academic Council of Kuban State University assigned the status of a strategic partnership to the cooperation between the Kuban State University (KubSU) and the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin).
Within the framework of the cooperation between Kuban State University (KubSU) and the Berlin University of Applied Sciences the lecture of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedrich Sick on “Environmentally safe construction: successful design experience” took place online on November 25, 2020.
As a part of the Russia-Greece Year of Language and Literature, the International Student Reading Contest was held remotely on November 26, 2020. Greek students studying Russian read poems by Russian poets, and Russian students studying Greek read works by Greek poets.
Official and festive events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Kuban State University.
From June 22 to June 28, 2020, during the last week of the summer semester, as part of the International Master's Double Degree Programme “Economics and Management”, Professor Ricardo Jorge Silva from ISCAP Porto (Portugal) – our Partner University – gave a series of lectures on the following topics: «Management and Strategy», «Innovation and Entrepreneurship», «Internationalization and Sustainability», «Practice experience in Financial Field». The on-line lectures were conducted on the KubSU platform of MS Teams. The lecture material was systematized, informative and very interesting not...
On June 30, 2020 , on the KubSU on the platform of MS Teams the graduates of the International Master's Double Degree programme “Economics and Management” (hereafter MDD) successfully defended their master theses. This year they are expected to be awarded Master’s Diplomas and Master’s Degrees in Economics by the following Partner Universities: Kuban State University (KubSU, Russia), Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS, Czech Republic), the Porto Accounting and Business School of Polytechnic of Porto (ISCAP-P.PORTO, Portugal). Moreover, if for a joint program with a Czech Partner...
KUBAN STATE UNIVERSITY (KubSU, Krasnodar, Russia) welcomes Russian and International applicants to apply for International Master’s Double-Degree Programme “Economics and Management” (code 38.04.01 Economics), where all courses are taught in English. Russian and foreign holders of bachelor’s/master’s degree of specialist diploma speaking fluent English (at least no less than B2 level) can remotely submit their education documents to the University Admission Committee that starts working from June 20, 2020 . Information about the procedure for submitting documents in remote format can be found...
On April 28, 2020, The International Scientific and Theoretical Online Conference "Competency-based approach to the organization of primary education: theory and practice" was held by the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhineyaz (Uzbekistan). The research and teaching staff and students of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communication Studies of Kuban State University took an active part in the event, making their reports, namely: Dr. Yuliya D. Gakame and Dr. Olga I. Baranova, Associate Professors of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education; O.A...
On May 4, 2020, the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Named after Azhineyaz (Uzbekistan), a partner of Kuban State University, initiated an International scientific and practical online conference "Approaches and techniques for using stem technologies at foreign language classes"./p> At the plenary session, Dr. Marina Bodonyi, Associate Professor, PhD, the head of the Applied Linguistics and New Information Technologies Department of the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology (Kuban State University), made a report on the technologies of teaching listening comprehension. Dr. Marina Bodonyi’...