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Scientific dialogue with Uzbekistan institutions contiues

On May 4, 2020, the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Named after Azhineyaz (Uzbekistan), a partner of Kuban State University, initiated an International scientific and practical online conference "Approaches and techniques for using stem technologies at foreign language classes"./p>

At the plenary session, Dr. Marina Bodonyi, Associate Professor, PhD, the head of the Applied Linguistics and New Information Technologies Department of the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology (Kuban State University), made a report on the technologies of teaching listening comprehension. Dr. Marina Bodonyi’s aroused genuine interest from the participants of the Conference. At the end of the Conference, the Rector of Nukus Institute, Prof. Bayram Otemuratov awarded Marina Alekseevna a Letter of Appreciation.

In general, the conference was attended by over 60 participants from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, the UK, Russia, France. The conference topics concerned the effectiveness of teaching English as a foreign language and the prospects of creating interdisciplinary courses for students. At the same time, the report of Prof. G. Erkibaeva raised the problems of teaching the Russian Language in Uzbekistan, which indicates the relevance of studying the Russian Language among Uzbek people.