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A series of lectures by a Professor from Portugal

From June 22 to June 28, 2020, during the last week of the summer semester, as part of the International Master's Double Degree Programme “Economics and Management”, Professor Ricardo Jorge Silva from ISCAP Porto (Portugal) – our Partner University – gave a series of lectures on the following topics: «Management and Strategy», «Innovation and Entrepreneurship», «Internationalization and Sustainability», «Practice experience in Financial Field». The on-line lectures were conducted on the KubSU platform of MS Teams. The lecture material was systematized, informative and very interesting not only for students, but also for the University professors. Each class was accompanied by discussions of all participants in a question-and-answer format. In his presentations prof. Ricardo Jorge Silva shared his views on the current situation, new ideas in the field of world and regional economics, methods of conducting economic calculations and sources of searching for relevant statistical information in various economic areas.

The students of the Master's Double Degree Programme “Economics and Management” (group 118) shared their impressions of the classes that took place in English, as well: “All the topics of the Portuguese lecturer prof. Ricardo Jorge Silva were very useful for us. Within the framework of just a few lectures, he highlighted relevant topics, especially for students. For example, his first lecture was devoted to a description of modern principles and management strategies that can change rapidly in our undefined world, where we must also quickly adapt to new conditions. Therefore, information about the skills that we need to learn in the course of our work, as well as about the problems in management, was very, very useful. Part of the lecture on communication and professional skills, on modern management principles that meet the challenges of the XXI century, helped us understand how to manage effectively our own projects and our own teams.

Moreover, the lecturer included information of innovations that are important components of an enterprise, especially startups, if we want our startups to be competitive. Creating a portrait of a successful entrepreneur, we learned what character traits he should possess, how important it was to be able to offer innovative solutions and use modern technologies, including various IT, to achieve success in a modern and rapidly changing world. I would like to emphasize that Professor Ricardo also provided a forecast of some economic indicators of different countries in the future, using the actual data of recent years. The most interesting was that all topics were accompanied by examples related to Portugal - Professor Ricardo explained the situation in Portugal in general and in every area of the economy in particular. So, we had the opportunity to learn more about this amazing country".

Here are some details of the programme “Economics and Management”: