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The Rector of the Uzbek partner University Bayrambay Otemuratov visited Kuban State University

On June 17 2021, Kuban State University was visited by the Rector of Nukus State Pedagogical University (NSPU, Nukus, Uzbekistan), Prof. Bayrambai Perdebayevich Otemuratov. This is the second official visit of the delegation from Nukus within the framework of the agreement on cooperation between the universities, signed during the First Russian-Uzbek Educational Forum "New personnel – for the new economy", which was held in Tashkent on October 18 – 19, 2018. The first visit of the Rector took place in February 2019.

In their welcoming addresses the Rector of Kuban State University Mikhail Borisovich Astapov and the Rector of Nukus State Pedagogical University Bayrambay Otemuratov noted that educational and scientific cooperation between the two universities is successfully developing.

On the part of KubSU, the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communication Studies, the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology and the Department of International Relations actively participate in joint work with the NSPU colleagues.

During the working meeting with the leadership of International Affairs Department, Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communication Studies, the Department of Postgraduate Studies, the Department of Training and Methodical Management, as well as the Scientific Library, the issues of opening double degree program in the field of Special (defectology) Education in the 2021-2022 academic year, the publication of joint textbooks, sending students from Uzbekistan to study at KubSU for master's and postgraduate programs, cooperation in the framework of certification testing in the Russian Language were discussed. Moreover, it is planned to send professors of Kuban State University to Nukus to conduct lectures and seminars for Uzbek students.

It is worth mentioning that KubSU cooperates with four universities of Uzbekistan. In 2018, Agreements on scientific and educational cooperation were signed with Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute and Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service. In 2019, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh.

Students from Uzbekistan have been studying at KubSU since the early 70s of the 20th century. Currently, 31 citizens of Uzbekistan are studying at the university according to the main educational programs of higher education.