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KubSU is the organizer of an international conference dedicated to the issues of Russia's national interests in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region

On May 28-29, 2021, the international scientific and practical conference "The Black Sea-Mediterranean Region in the System of Russia's National Interests: History and Modernity" devoted to the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War" was held in Taganrog.

The conference was organized by Kuban State University represented by the Departments of Political Science and Political Management, the History of Russia in cooperation with the Southern Federal University, the Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch) Rostov State University of Economics (RSUE) and the UNION-Nikola Tesla University (Serbia). This is the sixth conference in the cycle held annually in the hero cities and Cities of Military Glory of the South of Russia.

The purpose of the conference is the formation and dissemination of scientific knowledge about the centuries-old civilizational and political influence of the Russian Federation in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region, about modern directions and methods of ensuring Russian national interests.

The conference was attended by 178 speakers from the Russian Federation, Belarus, Serbia, Bulgaria, Canada, Abkhazia, the DPR and the LPR.

The plenary session of the forum took place at the People's Military-Historical Museum Complex of the Great Patriotic War "Sambek Hills". The conference participants were welcomed by the Chairman of the City Duma – the head of the city of Taganrog, Prof. I. N. Titarenko, PhD, Doctor of Historical Sciences; Prof. A.V. Baranov, PhD, Doctor of Political Sciences, summarized the tasks of geopolitical modeling and forecasting the development of the Black Sea-Mediterranean region. The reports of Prof. E. F. Krinko Doctor of Historical Sciences (UNC RAS), Prof. V. P. Trut PhD, Doctor of Historical Sciences (Don State Technical University) and Dr. A.V. Vashchenko PhD in Historical Sciences (KubSU) were dedicated to the memory of the Great Patriotic War. In their speeches, Prof. V. N. Konyshev, PhD, Doctor of Political Sciences and Prof. A. A. Sergunin,  PhD, Doctor of Political Sciences (St. Petersburg State University), Prof.. I.M. Uznarodov, PhD, Doctor of Historical Sciences (RSUE), Dr. V. A. Avatkov, PhD in Political Sciences (Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia), topical touched the problems of international relations of the Black Sea-Mediterranean region.

As a result of the conference, recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the memory policy and ensure Russia's national interests in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region were formulated.