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KubSU celebrated the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture

On May 24, 2021, the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture was celebrated at Kuban State University. That day, Archpriest Pavel Romanenko, the Archpriest of the future church of St. Cyril and Methodius, served a prayer at the Cross of Worship. The participants of the prayer service were parishioners – the residents of the city, students and teachers of Kuban State University.

After a short prayer, the students of the Faculty of Philology presented a concert program, which was filled with creative performances done in the languages of the Slavic group of peoples. The celebration ended with a treat from the field kitchen – oatmeal and tea with sweets.

The celebration was marked by the visit of Metropolitan Gregory of Ekaterinodar and Kuban. The Rector of Kuban State University, Mikhail Borisovich Astapov, met the Metropolitan at the Cross of Worship and showed him the area allocated for the construction of the church in honor of Saints Cyril and Methodius within the University territory, and the foundation stone of the church, blessed by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia in 2018.