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KubSU is an organizer and participant of the events devoted to the Year of Germany in Russia 2020/2021

As a part of the Year of Germany in Russia 2020/21, from April 16 to 25, 2021, a Pop-UP Festival of German Culture and the German Language is being held in Krasnodar. The Regional German Educational Center of KubSU (RDAZ) is an organizer of the extensive language program of the festival.

On April 16, Dr. Heike Uhlig, a Director of the Goethe-Institute in Moscow and a Head of the Goethe-Institutes of the Eastern Europe / Central Asia region, visited Kuban State University. At the solemn event dedicated to the inclusion of the Regional German Educational Center in the network of the German Language centers – partners of the Goethe Institute in Russia, Ms. Ulig presented the "Honorary Accreditation Badge" to prof. Semyon Yuryevich Kustov, a Vice-Rector for Pre-University and Additional Professional Education of Kuban State University. At the meeting, the important role of the RDAZ center in the system of additional education of Kuban State University was emphasized, the prospects of cooperation with the Goethe-Institute were discussed.

Ms. Ulig also took part in the opening of the exhibition of posters with drawings of schoolchildren, participants of the drawing contest "Germany – the land of fairy tales" and awarding the winners. 120 students from schools in Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory participated in the competition. The jury selected 83 drawings for the exhibition and determined 38 laureates in various categories. The exhibition is a part of the Kulturforum project, which was initiated by Kuban State University in 2019 and is being implemented along with the Karlsruhe-Krasnodar Friendship Society. In the near future, the exhibition "Germany - the land of fairy tales" will be sent to the German twin city.

The exhibition opened in the foyer of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology. The event was attended by Alexey Vladimirovich Lugovsky, Deputy Head of the Control and Protocol Department, Head of the Foreign Relations and Protocol Department of the Ministry of Defense of Krasnodar. In his speech, he noted the important role of the Kuban State University in the implementation of partnerships with Karlsruhe. School principals, teachers of the German language, schoolchildren and their parents were among the guests at the event.

On April 16, on the site of the Regional German Educational Center, an online quiz "Dialogue of Russian and German cultures in art" was held and more than 80 pupils participated in this event.

In the evening of April 16, the grand opening of the Pop-Up Festival of German Сulture and the German Language took place at the Center for Contemporary Art "Typography". The opening ceremony was attended by Dr. Evgenia M. Rotai – Deputy Director of International Affairs Department, Prof. Marina A.Oleynik – Head of the Regional German Educational Center,           Dr. Sergey S. Bychkov – Vice-Dean for Digital Development and International Relations of the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology.

The participants of the Festival were welcomed by the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Russian Federation Geza Andreas von Geir, Deputy Mayor of Krasnodar Anton Yurievich Smertin. Honorary Consul of Germany in Krasnodar, Honorary Professor of Kuban State University, General Director of LLC "KLAAS" in Krasnodar Ralf Bendisch, Director of the Southern Sales Management - a branch of LLC "KNAUF GIPS" Krasnodar Sergey A. Bondarenko, Director of the Goethe-Institute in Moscow Dr. Heike Uhlig.

As part of the program events dedicated to the Year of Germany in Russia, on April 17, RDAZ teachers conducted fascinating German classes at gymnasium №69 and at Ekaterininskaya gymnasium №36 in Krasnodar. Nineteen German teachers from schools in Krasnodar took part in a training seminar with the participation of assistants from the Goethe-Institute.

On April 18, there were arranged several events, such as: online open day at the Center, introductory online classes and consultations on the Goethe-Zertifikat international exams,  meeting of the language club "Aber bitte auf Deutsch, etc. The club was initiated in 2018 by Alina Podshibyakina, a teacher of the Regional German Education Center. The club meeting is usually attended not only by students and graduates of KubSU, but also by everyone who is interested in the German language and German culture. The language assistants of the Goethe-Institute attended club meeting as well.

On April 19 and 20, Dr. Sergey S. Bychkov presented public lectures entitled "Women in the Creative Association "The Blue Rider”.

Detailed information about the Regional German Educational Center of KubSU (RDAZ) can be found at

The program events of the Year of Germany in Russia can be found on the official website годгермании.рф.