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A video conference between KubSU and the Nelson Mandela University of Translation and Translation Studies (Italy).

On April 10, 2021 a video conference was held between Kuban State University (KubSU) and the Nelson Mandela University of Translation and Translation Studies in Matera (Italian Republic). The event was held as a part of the development of the cooperation agreement between the two universities.

The KubSU students who learn Italian and the Italian University students who learn Russian discussed the Easter traditions of Russia and Italy, held interactive games, and exchanged views on current trends in scientific, cultural and other spheres of social life of both countries. The students demonstrated the high level of proficiency in Italian and Russian, as well as good knowledge of the Russian and Italian cultures and traditions.

The Rector of the University of Translation and Translation Studies «Nelson Mandela» of Matera, Professor Pasquale Domenico Toche, addressing warm welcoming words to the participants and organizers of the event, opened the video conference. Mr. P. D. Toche wished the participants productive work and expressed hope for the development of active cooperation in future.

On behalf of Kuban State University, the participants of the video conference were greeted by the Associate professor of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies and Eastern Studies Olga. Butto, as well as Deputy Deans of the Faculty of History, Sociology and International Relations (FISMO) A. S. Yevtushenko and R. A. Nikolaenko.

Following the results of the event, the participants agreed to strengthen the friendship between students and teachers of the two Universities, exchange experience and make communication in the video conference format a good tradition.

The organizers of the event express special gratitude to Natalia Borisovna Kazarina, a teacher of the Russian Language and Culture at the Nelson Mandela University whose competence, energy and enthusiasm have become the key to the successful video conference for Russia – Italy, as well as to the Department of International Affairs and the Department of Information Technologies of Kuban State University.