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KubSU is in the TOP-10

The educational activity of 129,666 students and 17,923 teachers from 836 organizations of Russian-speaking higher education in Russia and the Near Abroad were analyzed for the rating. According to the results of the rating, Kuban State University is among the 10 leading universities in the digital educational process.

Irkutsk and Kuban State Universities show an example of achieving success for representatives of the regions. Quick adaptation to the changing educational environment, combined with a strong corporate culture and the desire of the administration to carry out reforms allowed them to rise to high levels of rating. Digital traces show that classical state universities prefer to transfer the educational process to the Urait platform due to the balanced content that covers all areas of studies for bachelors and masters,” the website of the educational platform says.

When compiling the rating, the most diverse types of activities on the Urait educational platform were taken into account. They are reading, referencing and discussing educational texts, watching educational video materials and performing video tasks, listening to audio tracks, taking adaptive formative tests, as well as educational interaction between students and teachers.