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KubSU volunteers helped international students

At the end of the March 2020, the KubSU Voluntary Centre launched an unique campaign for volunteers. The aim of the campaign was to help the KubSU foreign students in practicing colloquial Russian language under the conditions of the lockdown. One of the main requirements for participation was the ability to communicate in a language you study, thus it was good for foreigners as well as for volunteers themselves, as they could find out unknown information about other countries and get acquainted with national cultures.

The Voluntary Centre predictably received a lot of responses from volunteers all over the university who wanted to help our international friends. New chats were created for those who speak Russian well and especially a chat for students who just came to Russia and needed more support than others.

The KubSU volunteers helped abroad students to practice basic Russian phrases, told them a lot of fascinating features of Russian culture and traditions, answered questions and found out a lot for themselves over two weeks. The volunteers shared various videos, national films and favourite Russian music.

The foundation students thanked the Voluntary Centre for the opportunity to practice Russian language with the native speakers.