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Chairman of Karlsruhe-Krasnodar Friendship Society Manfred Chikhi visited Kuban State University

On September 23, 2019 Chairman of Karlsruhe-Krasnodar Friendship Society Manfred Chikhi visited Kuban State University. During the visit, a cooperation agreement between KubSU and Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW, Stuttgart, Germany) was signed.

For a long time Manfred Chikhi has been the Director of Walter Eucken business school of Karlsruhe, Germany. In 2006, a partnership agreement was concluded between KubSU and Walter Eucken business school of Karlsruhe. Within the framework of this agreement, the educational program “European Business School” has been implemented at KubSU for 14 years. 83 students became graduates of the program, 19 people are currently studying under the program. KubSU students undergo two-year training in German in such subjects as economic theory, corporate economics, political system of Germany and the EU, intercultural communication, etc., and study business German in depth. After the first year of study at KubSU, students spend a month at business school in Karlsruhe. After the second year of study, practice is provided at enterprises in Germany.

Cooperation between KubSU and universities in Karlsruhe is very fruitful: agreements have been signed with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the University of Technology and Economics and the Karlsruhe University of Education. In addition, with the administrative support of KubSU, Russian and German students undergo practical training at enterprises in the cities of Krasnodar and Karlsruhe. Since 2018 the project has been implemented in the network format: the Krasnodar administration, KLAAS, Knauf, Bonduelle, Cargill, KubSU, universities of the sister city of Karlsruhe. For 5 years Summer School of the Russian language and intercultural communication has been implemented for students of the University of Technology and Economics of Karlsruhe.

Cooperation with Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW, Stuttgart, Germany) also has a great potential.