
Congratulations of the partners of KubSU

The anniversary of Kuban state University is an event that brought together not only all students and teachers, but also numerous graduates and partners of the University around the world. See congratulations of famous graduates, friends and partners of the University!

The University of Innsbruck, Austria: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Tilmann Märk, Rector Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea Zink, Director of the Institute of Slavonic Studies A.Univ.-Prof. Mag.Dr. Ernst Steinicke, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Geology and Meteorology Mag. Dr. Eva Binder, Marijana Milošević, Russian Center assistants Prof. Mag.phil. Dr.rer.nat.,Kurt Scharr, Professor at the Institute of Historical Sciences

Dr. Ralf Dieter Bendish, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Krasnodar, General Director – CLAAS, Honorary Professor of Kuban State University, Germany

HTW Berlin – Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Germany: Prof. Dr. Tilo Wendler, Vice President Teaching, Studies and International Relations Dr. Brigitte Dreßler, Deputy Director of the Foreign Languages Centre, coordinator of strategic partnership between HTW and KubSU. Prof. Dr. Michael Heine – President of the HTW Berlin (2006-2014) Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kessler – Professor of International Law, Honorary Professor of Kuban State University, Germany

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Artinger, President Of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences

Dr. Ulrike Würz, Deputy Director at Goethe-Institute in Moscow, Germany

Stefan Hoffmann, a double degree graduate of the Kuban State University and Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Prof. Nikolaos G. Papaioannou, Rector of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Prof. Kazazis Ioannis, Honorary Professor in Classical Philology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Honorary Professor of Kuban State University, Greece

Dr. Dimitris Fotiadis, PhD in Philology, teacher of the Russian language at The Centre for Foreign Language Teaching at the Aristotle University, Coordinator of the “IASON” program, Greece

Pasquale K. Terracciano, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Italian Republic to the Russian Federation

Prof. Ing. Kamil Kuča, Ph.D., Rector of the University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

H.E. Mr. Andreas Zenonos  , Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Cyprus to the Russian Federation

Dr. Hieronim Grala, Doctor of History, Head of the «Polono-Russica» commission of the «Artes Liberales» faculty, University of Warsaw, Poland

Ph.D. Wojciech Hofmański, adjunct at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland

Firat Bayar, The Concul General of the Republic of Turkey in Novorossiysk

Prof. PhD, MA Andreas Schonle, Professor, Head of School of Modern Languages, University of Bristol, UK

Prof. Michael Powell, Professor of History and Law at Frederick Community College, USA